304 North Cardinal
St. Dorchester Center, MA 02124

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Indium Ingot: Perfect Material for Indium Tin Oxide (ITO)

Indium Ingot

Indium is a white metal, extremely soft, extremely malleable and ductile. Cold weldability, and other metal friction can be attached, liquid indium excellent mobility. The metal indium is not oxidized by air at normal temperature, the indium starts to be oxidized at about 100℃, (At temperatures above 800 ℃), indium burns to form indium oxide, which has a blue-red flame. Indium is not obviously harmful to human body, but soluble compounds are toxic.

Physical Characteristics

1. Molecular formula: In

2. Molecular weight: 114.82

3. CAS No.: 7440-74-6

4. HS Code: 8112923010
5. Storage: The storage environment of indium shall be kept clean, dry and free of corrosive substances and other pollutants. When the indium is stored in the open air, it shall be covered with tarpaulin, and the bottom of the lowermost box shall be placed with a pad with a height of not less than 100mm to prevent moisture. Railway and highway transportation can be selected to prevent rain and collision between packages in the process of transportation.


  1. It is used in flat panel display coating, information materials, high-temperature superconducting materials, special solders for integrated circuits, high-performance alloys, national defense, medicine, high-purity reagents, and many other high-tech fields.
  2. It is mainly used to make bearings and extract high purity indium and is also used in the electronic industry and electroplating industries.
  3. It is mainly used as a cladding layer (or made into an alloy) to enhance the corrosion resistance of metallic materials and is widely used in electronic devices.
  4. Indium nitride, phosphide, and antimonide are semiconductors used in transistors and microchips.

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